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About Me.
Registered Dietitian I Functional Nutritionist I Physique Consultant

Hi! I am Sayuri, a registered dietitian who lives in Seattle WA.


I was born and raised on a vegetable farm in the south of Japan in a small city called Saga. From an early age, my grandparents taught me the importance of eating healthy by showing me how our local produce was grown and prepared for traditional family meals. I was a healthy, physically active kid who enjoyed playing tennis and other sports. I was grateful for my healthy diet and strength to play sports without having any major injuries or health issues during my childhood in Japan. 


My journey in becoming a registered dietitian (RD) began when I came to the U.S. by myself at age 19 to study English and learn about American culture. 


As I got acclimated to this new environment in order to cope with the stress and pressure, my health turned upside down when I adopted a typical American diet. I began comforting myself with unhealthy boxed, convenient foods. Before I knew it, my weight got out of control and my mind became foggy and confused. This eventually led me to having anxiety-induced panic attacks and ultimately dropping out of school. 


My turnaround came when I met my husband, Andy, whose energy is inspiring. His everyday philosophy of a healthy diet and active lifestyle and their positive affect on motivation and happiness triggered my desire to get my health and life back. 


He encouraged me to join a local gym and showed me how to lift weights. We also played tennis together. Quickly thereafter, I signed up for a full marathon and joined a tennis team to further my health goals. 


This was a revelation for me. I realized how eating healthy and staying active made a positive impact on my happiness, motivation, and personal success. In 2015, I decided to become a registered dietitian and pursue my education in nutrition science at Bastyr University, which is one of the most prestigious nutrition schools in the U. S.

In 2018, I was proud to become an RD so I could one day pass on my knowledge and passion for nutrition and good health to others just like my husband had passed onto me. 


My nutrition philosophy as an RD is simple - to help ignite an individual's unique inspiration and motivation for health through nutrition education and counseling. Particularly in the areas of hormone balance, gut health, and immunity because they are quintessential for you to feel healthy and energized every day. 

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